Tuesday, May 31, 2005

My Life is a Movie

Ever feel like you're trapped in a bad remake of a TV series that wasn't all that good to begin with? I swear that sometimes I've heard laugh tracks in my head when a not-so-funny-to-me funny situation happens with my wife. If art imitates life, why does my life continue to imitate art? wouldn't it be great if we could choose the movie our lives imitated. I'd choose one of those "guy meets magical being, realizes the grass isn't greener, but somehow ends up incredibly wealthy in the old life anyway" kind of movies. you knoq, life, It's a Wonderful Life, Mr. Destiny, Family Man, etc.

Flying Movie Cameras Are Very Cool

Movies. I like them. They are 50 million $ blogs. This weekend, after fighting with the spouse to see Star Wars 6, we rented. My choice was House of Flying Daggers. It was an Asian attempt at Crouching Tiger.." It worked on most levels, except, quite frankly, I'm tired of seeing the very attractive, but poorly named (from my American point of view), Ziyi Zhang in a "love affair gone bad" movie, where she has to fight people she cares about. I'm willing to overlook it, though. the choreography (the fighting IS a dance) was superb, as was the cinematography. In HOFD, Zhang Vimou makes life more beautiful than it really is. I don't know if it's cultural, but American directors could definitely take a hint here. 3.5 out of 5 stars. Cool fighting, not overly violent, no nudity, sexy stuff tho. Good plot. DVD w/subtitles or dub-overs. You decide.